
Showing posts from 2019

rwc japan

fortnite forever

Fortnite  pictures featuring fish sticks and iconic.

this is 
 my picture of fish sticks and he has a crush on that skin over there,fish sticks is rare so I would get his because  he is  really hard to aim at.

this is iconic and he is a cool skin that is only epic and he does not look like a epic he looks like a legendary  but he is good at dancing and he does cost more than one thousand dollars.
the best thing was trying to find picture and the hardest thing was stopping my baby sister from pressing on my keys

daffodils poem

daffodils are as yellow as the mac Donald's sign
daffodils are as long as a giraffes neck  
daffodils are as colourful as a walking model.

and my favourite thing was drawing the flower.
and the best thing was  my vase pictures.
and Next time I could do a bit more shading.

by Seth-Morgan

best waka ever

this is my Waka art I did.

the thing I did enjoyed was getting help from my friend.

the thing I did like was when I was doing my waka art.

next time I could make the same size as my hand.

and we sketched a waka because we are learning about voyagers.

book review drawing

this is my picture about me in the book parade at school.
I was a comic person that likes the avengers.
and I like iron man he is my Favourite one with his cool and shiny robot suit that looks like hot steaming lava.


this is my Matariki star I made from
my favourite thing about my picture I made was my stars
and the hard thing about the picture drawing some of the stars 
and what I learnt about my picture is the glitter
and next time I should put the glitter on all of the stars 

persimmons are yum

Persimmons hhhhmm!!

Hmm!! The delicious aromas filled the air with persimmons then I smell the orange ball that does smells like a big orange flavor smoothie when I smell it does make my mouth slobber like a dog with a ball.

Crunch! Crack! On the hard shelled seeds and on the dark orange skin on the persimmon that I had but when I did put it in my huge tummy I gobbled the fruit like a bird eating a persimmon tree then I thought will we get one more?

But when I put it the whole thing in my tummy I will burp! Like an t-Rex after having lunch but when I don’t do that it doesn't make me sick and when I touch it does feel like a slimy! Sticky! Slug! On my fingers and it had a little black dot on it and that is my persimmon story!

by Seth

stay sun smart!!

This is my sun smart picture and it is about staying sun safety and that you should always have on a hat!!

I like about it was my drawing and that I put on a sun hat to be sun smart.